Food of Life, an afternoon with Najmieh Batmanglij

Today, I had the absolute pleasure of spending the day at the charming home of the enterprising Queen of Persian Cuisine, Najmieh Batmanglij. The unassuming white door in the heart of Georgetown sets no expectation for the captivating magic that lies within. I was welcomed into a world rich in history, culture and tradition, celebrating the true beauty of Persia that lies within the intricate details of the food, the poetry and the people of this ancient empire. 

Our journey of discovery began in the kitchen where we learned to make staples like Golden Crust Rice (Chelow) and classics like Fresh Herb Kuku. And the more diversified Sweet & Savory Turnovers (Sanbuseh) and Persian Gulf Style Herb Fish with Tamarind. (See full menu below).  Her bold personality comes through in her recipes; she generously uses Rose Petals, Rose Water and Saffron. Taking heed with the delicious Spices true to the region like Turmeric, Cumin and Cardamom. Dish after dish bursting with fresh Herbs and flavor, using the finest ingredients from near and far is what makes her repertoire such a success. She cooks with gusto, with love for what she's doing and with respect for the food and its integrity. The recipes can be found in her well renowned, intoxicating cook book, 'Food of Life'.

Wisdom was imparted from the kitchen to the dining table where Najmieh and her Husband graciously read Rumi and Hafiz, told folklore and ravished us with narrative one can only pass down through generations. There is a village in Iran, or so we were told, where it is customary that when a mans family enters a woman's home, to ask for her hand in marriage, Black Tea is served if the response is a 'no' and Saffron Tea if the response is a 'yes'. Food is so entrenched in Persian Culture, and Najmiehs book 'Food of Life', bountifully depicts the full story. 

I leave you with some pictures and the promise of recipes to come. 

persian cookbooks on a table
persian cucumbers, with raddish with feta dip
pestle and mortars on a table
organge plants in pots
meatballs in a pomegrante sauce on a baking dish
chelow, persian rice on a serving platter

Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life, Rumi. 


Hummous (Chickpea Puree)

