Kafta is a Lebanese Beef Kebab, similar to a Meatball, made with a simple but delicious mix of Ground Beef, Parsley, minced Onion and Middle Eastern Spices. It can be cooked stove top, baked in the oven or grilled, and can be made into patties or skewers.
Traditionally served with Hummus and a Middle Eastern Salad like Fattoush, or even a Greek Salad. I’ve dipped mine in Ketchup since I was a kid. They are perfect to reheat in the oven in the mornings and pop into a heated thermos for packed lunches.
Organic Ingredients, serves 4
2 Lbs Grass Fed Ground Beef, (85% lean, 15% fat) or there about
3 Tbsps. Minced Onion, ie. very finely chopped onion
3 Tbsps. Very finely Chopped Parsley
2 Tsp. Celtic/Himalayan Salt
1 Tsp. Black Peppercorns
1 Tsp. Ground Aleppo Pepper
1 Tsp. Cumin
1 Tsp. Sumac
1/2 Tsp. Ground Cinnamon
2 Tbsps. Avocado Oil for cooking
In a pestle & mortar grind your Black Peppercorns and Salt together, once ground add in Aleppo Pepper, Cumin, Sumac and Cinnamon and mix well.
Wrap minced Onion in a kitchen towel and try to squeeze out any excess liquid. If you’re not feeling confident that your Onions and Parsley are fine enough stick them in a food processor with the Ground Beef and Spices and give them a blitz.
In a large bowl mix Ground Beef, Onion, Parsley and Spices using your hands. Mix well until well incorporated. Form into balls, and then patties and set aside. Heat a cast iron pan or similar to medium high heat with Avocado Oil and sear Kafta for approximately two minutes on each side. Do this in batches and don’t over crowd your pan. Place Kafta on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Roast in a 400f oven for 7 minutes per side. Remove from oven and serve with Fattoush Salad and Hummus.
Baharat, translates to Spices.
Ground Beef, minced Onions, Parsley and Ground Spices
Kafta mixture can be made in advance and refrigerated overnight
Seer Kafta stove top for 2 minutes per side
So the outside in nicely browed and the inside is still raw
Place Kafta on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake in a 400f oven for 7 minutes per side
Kafta with Fattoush and Hummus