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Linguini Mussels

After a winter like no other, and a blanket of icy weather, we have had respite in DC with anticipatory days of spring like weather. And with sunshiny days, come saltwater dinners…al fresco.

Organic Ingredients Serves 4

  • 2 Lbs *Mussels, I buy these de-bearded and cleaned from Wholefoods

  • 1 Large/2 Small Shallots, diced as small as you can

  • 5 Cloves Garlic, diced as small as you can

  • 1 Bunch Parsley, washed, de-stemmed and diced as small as you can

  • 1 Cup White Wine

  • 1 Cup Water

  • 1/2 Cup Clam Juice

  • 3 Tbsps. Butter

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil for sautéing

  • Sea Sald Salt & Pepper, to taste

  • 1 Packet of Linguini

  • Zest of 1 Lemon


*Pick Mussels that are closed and keep them on ice until you get home, in an open bag, so they can breathe. Once home, refrigerate. Before use, soak in a pot of cold Water with a bit of Sea Salt for 15 minutes. Rinse under cold Water and cook immediately. Discard any cracked or open Mussels. Once cooked, all the Mussels should open. Discard any that remain closed.

Heat a large non stick pot to medium high with Olive Oil. Sauté Shallots for 2 minutes, add Garlic and sauté for one minute. Raise heat to high and add in Wine. Let the Wine dissipate (approx. 1 minute) then add Water and some Salt & Pepper.

As the Sauce is bubbling add in the Mussels and cover. Steam Mussels for 6 minutes on high heat with cover on. Remove cover and turn the heat off. Add in Clam Juice, Parsley (leaving some for Garnish), Butter, and season with Salt & Pepper to taste. Cover. Carefully remove most of the Mussels from their shells and discard shells, leave a few in shells to serve on each plate.

Cook Linguini until al dente. Drain well and add Pasta into Mussel Sauce. Put heat back onto high and cook for a minute, stirring using tongs, as the Sauce thickens and coats the Pasta. Turn the heat off and add Lemon zest. Garnish with Parsley and serve.

To warm days ahead xx

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