Middle Eastern Spiced Squash with labneh

This roast Squash is delicious, spicy and full of robust flavor; much needed warmth to cold winter days. The Squash is roasted with skin on for easier preparation. I have once, and will never again, peel a Squash.

The Coriander, Cumin and Black Peppercorns are crunchy, earthy and spicy and go perfectly with the cooling zesty Labneh.

Organic Ingredients, serves 2

  • 1 x Green Acorn Squash

  • 1 Tsp. Coriander Seeds

  • 1/2Tsp. Black Peppercorns

  • 1 Tsp. Cumin Seeds

  • 1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1 Tsp. Celtic Sea Salt

  • 1 Tbsp. Toasted Pumpkin Seeds optional for garnish


Start by heating a small pan to medium high heat with no oil. Toast the Coriander, Cumin and Peppercorn in the hot pan for about 30 seconds only. Place in a Pestle and mortar and crush until mostly fine.

Wash Squash well and place onto a chopping board. With a sharp knife, cut in half, scoop out seeds and discard, then half again, and continue to cut in half until you have 1/2 inch crescents. The key is not to cut them too thick. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange Squash crescents. Season with Spices, Salt & Olive Oil. Mix well with your hands. Bake in a 425f oven for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and flip Squash over. Continue to bake for another 10-15 minutes or until they are starting to brown. Plate, garnished with toasted Pumpkin Seeds if desired. Serve with Labneh topped with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the Ground Spices from your baking tray. Remove skin and enjoy! Discard skin.

Note: Don’t try doubling this recipe and making two Squash at a time. They release liquid as they roast and the liquid from two Squash end up boiling the Squash and the end result is different.


Middle Eastern Roast Lamb


Winter Roast Vegetable Tray