Toffee Banana
Toffee banana was my favorite dessert growing up. We would get this at Chinese restaurants in London and I have seldom come across it elsewhere. It is essentially fried banana fritters glazed in a caramelized sugar, topped with toasted sesame seeds, served warm, with vanilla ice cream. The hot glazed fritter amasses a hard candy shell as it hits the cold ice bath. Its everything you want from a dessert and more.
June 1989
Celebrating my 7th birthday. Trade Winds Restaurant, Baker Street, London.
Organic Ingredients, serves 4
3 Bananas, cut into large bite size pieces
1 Tbsp. Toasted Sesame Seeds
2 Cups Avocado Oil, for shallow frying
1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup Corn Flour
1/2 Tsp. Baking Powder
2/3 Cup Water
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1 Cup Cane Sugar
1 Cup Water
Ice Bath
2 Cups Ice
2 Cups Water
1) If you’re are new at making syrups and toffees, its important to use Cane Sugar, not Brown Sugar for the toffee as you are able to see the color change from light to a golden brown to gage readiness. This process should take approx. 10-12 minutes.
2) Toffee Banana needs to be eaten right away; not a ‘make in advance’ kind of dessert.
3) Getting the Toffee right is the tricky part of this recipe. If your syrup crystalizes for any reason (it will if you mix or prod), you’ll need to throw it out start again. Follow step by step instructions below to the T, and you should be ok.
4) Once done cooking, rinse the pan you made the syrup in right away. If it solidifies before you manage to do so, heat it up a little so it turns to liquid again and wash.
Heat a large shallow pan, or cast iron skillet with Avocado Oil to medium high heat until hot.
Make Batter by whisking all Batter Ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Carefully place Banana pieces into Batter and coat well. Place coated Bananas into hot oil and shallow fry on both sides until golden brown. Place on a perforated cookie cooling rack with a baking sheet underneath it to catch the oil that drops. While they cool, make your toffee.
Prepare your Ice Bath by mixing Ice & Water in a bowl. Place your Ice Bath next to your Banana Fritters, near where you are making your syrup. As soon as the syrup is ready you’ll need to immediately start the next steps.
To make Toffee, first check your Cane Sugar well and remove any impurities, you want clean Cane Sugar and nothing else. Place Cane Sugar and Water in a stainless steel, medium sized saucepan and mix well. Once you’ve mixed this first time, don’t mix anymore. Turn the heat to low and leave it alone while the Sugar dissolves. Once dissolved, raised heat to a low simmer and leave it to lightly bubble away as it magically transform into a syrup. Don’t mix or move your saucepan or place any spoon into it as you don’t want the sugar to crystalize and ruin. It takes approx. 10-12 minutes. You’ll know its ready when the syrup turns a golden brown color and is the consistency of syrup. Turn the heat off and quickly dip Battered Banana pieces into syrup, coat fully with syrup on all sides, and then quickly dunk into the ice bath for 2-3 seconds. Remove and plate. I do this in sets of 2 or 3. Work quickly so your syrup stays warm and soft. When all the Toffee Banana is glazed, sprinkle Toasted Sesame Seeds on top. Serve with Vanilla Ice Cream.
Flour, Corn Flour and Baking Powder with Water and Olive Oil for Batter
Bananas and Toasted Sesame Seeds. Bananas ripe and sweet, but firm are perfect for this recipe.
Bananas coated in Batter ready to be shallow fried
Bananas shallow frying in 2 cups Avocado Oil
Until crispy and golden
Its important to rest Banana Fritters on a cookie sheet to cool. This way all the excess oil will drip away and they’ll be ready for the next steps.
It’s important to use a medium sized stainless steel saucepan for the Toffee like this one. The Tofee is ready when its a golden brown color and a syrup like consistency.
Quickly coat Banana Fritters in syrup on all sides, I do this in batches of 2 or 3
Dunk in a cold ice bath for 2-3 seconds then plate
Toffee Banana with a beautiful glistening glazed outer shell
Toffee Banana with Toasted Sesame Seeds and Vanilla Ice Cream